iGlobe CRM is an App for Microsoft Teams . All data is stored on SharePoint List on a Site on your Microsoft 365 tenant. 
iGlobe CRM is made for Microsoft Teams and can be used.
- As a personal App in Microsoft Teams
- Extended to Outlook and is just one click away in Outlook
- Extended to Microsoft 365 and is available directly from your Microsoft 365 portal

iGlobe CRM is a Microsoft Certified App. Microsoft 365 App Certification offers assurance and confidence to enterprise organizations that data and privacy are adequately secured and protected. Certification confirms that an app solution is compatible with Microsoft technologies, compliant with cloud app security best practices, and supported by Microsoft, a trusted partner. App certification is achieved through the acceptance and approval of comprehensive documentation centering the app's security and compliance protocols, procedures, processes and a PEN test. Applications that pass validation will be designated Microsoft 365 App Certified.
Browser: We recommend using Edge, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

iGlobe advise that the app is deployed from Microsoft Store. For the SharePoint site that will be used for CRM data, create a SharePoint Communication Site. After creating the Site make the site a HUB site.  

We offer you several Apps as Add-ons with iGlobe CRM. These Apps can be found in Microsoft AppSource. Please feel free to contact us for more information. We are providing you with personal sales assistance. MIPA, Your Intelligent Personal assistance is available as a bot. Simply search for a company and you will get a list of meeting reports and opportunities registered with the customer.

Reporting is all about getting a simple, better, and accurate overview of your CRM data. Better sales forecast, hit that record sales target, and increase profitability per sale? We offer 12 interactive Power BI dashboards as a part of iGlobe CRM. All you need is a Power BI Pro license and just a bit of Power BI knowledge.

Please notice iGlobe CRM App only offer limited mobile support. Instead, we are offering a PowerApp for mobile use. Contact iGlobe for more information.