CRM - Boost your Sales - iGlobe Pipeline Management

Give your sales team an unfair advantage with iGlobe CRM


With iGlobe CRM you will grow you business and win more deals. Sales Managers need visibility into the activities of their sales reps and insight into where they stand with their pipelines. iGlobe provides powerful opportunity management, forecasting and reporting capabilities. Using this capability, a sales representative can input a new sales opportunity that can be tracked in the sales funnel all the way from lead origin until the sale is closed. Any activity that results from that lead is recording. This continues as the customer is guided through the sales process, and managers can print out various reports about lead groupings and can thereby see patterns as they develop. A powerful element for any manager, they can be confident their teams are producing at their full capacity.


A sales funnel is an inverted pyramid that draws potential customers through a company’s sales process. As the name indicates, it is wide at the top because customers with all level of engagement enter and eventually the strongest leads are channeled to the bottom to be turned into successful sales. In iGlobe we recognize that a sales funnel and the number of stages is not nessaceraly the same in each company. The sales funnel in iGlobe CRM can easily be customized to meet your specific need. With iGlobe CRM you will be able to get data for analysing opportunities within the sales funnel and identifying ideal behaviours that will enhance sales performance. You will be able to make your own reports to examine sales funnels to recognize key actions to be taken by both the selling organization and the customer to help move opportunities through the funnel.


With iGlobe CRM Solution for Office 365, you do not have to settle with a specific number of reports or spent money on developing new or special reports. iGlobe is a part of your Office 365, hence also tightly integrated to Excel. Use the tool you like, Excel, and get exactly the report you need at any time any where.

iGlobe has proved itself by increasing sales well above previous levels

"After using iGlobe, the sales team significantly increased the amount of new business generated compared to volumes achieves with its old manual tracking system,"

Alon Ekelund, iGlobe

Fulfils all our needs

" Fulfils all our needs - performance could be a little better, but that is probably more a SharePoint than an iGlobe issue. We are heavily using the opportunities part of iGlobe and have (ourselves) set up fields/columns to meet our demands. The solution is prepared for live integration to Excel which gives all kind of overviews and graphs. Everything done without having to buy any consultancy"

Peter Rostrup, Ubiquitech

Some sales wisdom iGlobe can help you achieve

  • "Selling is about meeting people's expectations"
  • "Never guess, know your customer, ask"
  • "Why be complicated when you can be obvious"
  • "Procedures and processes complicate business"
  • "The listener is always in control"
  • "People do not buy from companies they buy from YOU"
  • "Keep it simple - sell the Dream not the Product"
Buy iGlobe CRM from Microsoft Office Store 

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