CRM - Activity planning and follow up

iGlobe CRM is your daily helper

Microsoft Planner

Microsoft Planner, which offers people a simple and highly visual way to organize teamwork. Microsoft Planner makes it easy for your team to create new plans, organize and assign tasks, share files, chat about what you’re working on, and get updates on progress. Planner can be used to manage a marketing event, brainstorm new product ideas, track a school project, prepare for a customer visit, or just organize your team more effectively.  To make it even more effectively iGlobe CRM integrate and use the Microsoft Planner.

Sales reps rely on iGlobe

Whether you operate a highly transactional business or a very consultative, relationship based business, the idea of planning is a key use of the information stored in CRM. Nobody wants to approach a customer only to find out that that customer expects information from you that you don’t have. iGlobe give you access to your customer information at the right time and place.

Timely follow up

Functionality such as planning, follow-up, time management, pipeline management and general communications are all attributes of an Account Plan that are available in iGlobe CRM. Therefore it’s only logical to build plans inside the system and relate those plans to the people, opportunities and product records you are already maintaining. After all, what is a plan other than a link between these pieces of data that results in highlighting a particular approach to maximizing the revenue from each client. This is another opportunity to minimize redundant work (in the form of data entry) from sales reps and provide more insight and value with the CRM application. iGlobe will help your Sales reps to spend more time with customers uncovering their needs, selling and optimise revenue, profit and customer satisfaction.

"I have to give you a HUGE high-five for your system. It's super good! I am very excited!.” ,"

CEO, Catrine Engelgreen

Search, locate and plan your sales route

For salespeople who work on commission, sales route planning is a cost of doing business. Every minute you spend thinking about your route or driving it is a minute you're not engaged in an income-generating activity. iGlobe CRM gives you a comprehensive search and locate tool that will save time and money by systematizing your planning process to make your route more efficient and more productive.

Plan & win more deals

Manage your pipline and the single SSO by prioritize and planning your sale using a Sales Funnel. With iGlobe you will be able to:

  • Maximize your most precious resource: selling time
  • Leverage the Sales Funnel for account tracking and territory management
  • Avoid the "boom and bust" income cycle
  • Learn from your won and lost SSO


iGlobe CRM will also provide a complete insight on all activities related to the Single Sales Objective. By relating e-mails, meeting reports, notes, documents and the offers you have sent to the customer on the SSO, you will have all the information you need in just ONE place. You will save time and have all you need to plan your next action to win the deal.

Buy iGlobe CRM from Microsoft Office Store or through a partner. Partner can provide you with guidance and a lower price.

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