That will bring you to the Campaign designer page. When you use iGlobe eMarketing Campaign Builder to create a campaign, you'll select a campaign type, add recipients, choose a template, and add your own content. Below, you'll learn how to create a campaign in iGlobe eMarketing
1. Give the Campaign a name
2. Select the target group from the list. This is a list of you current mail groups. Notice, you ca create a new Mail group or update an existing. You can update from a file or iGlobe CRM Solution.
3. Enter what type of campaign you are creating. Fx Monthly newsletter, Price list update, Catalogue update, etc.
4. If you are planning to run a campaign containing several steps or flow you can specify the campaign step here.
5. Enter the subject of the mail. IMPORTANT consider a subject that will not be rejected by spam filters.
6. Specify who is responsible for this campaign
7. Enter the email address of the campaign responsible
8. Enter the From name of the mail
9. If you are using iGlobe CRM, then select the iGlobe CRM URL from the drop down list
10. After selecting iGlobe CRM you will see the mail list available from iGlobe CRM. Select the newsletter you are sending.
iGlobe eMarketing has an automated un-subscription flow. This means, a campaign sent from iGlobe eMarketing using a list you have in iGlobe CRM will automatically perform the un-subscription in iGlobe CRM.
YOU HAVE NO MAINTANANCE, We only have one database, iGlobe CRM
For this purpose Step 10 is important, this is the key to removing the correct newsletter from the subscribers mail list in iGlobe CRM. Se below an example of a subscriber/contact in iGlobe CRM