Please notice. iGlobe CRM is already configured for you. You will only need to change the configuration if you expect to have more than 5.000 entries (fx companies) per list. SharePoint Online have List View Threshold of 5.000, specifies the maximum number of list or library items that a database operation, such as a query, can process at one time. Operations that exceed this limit are blocked. iGlobe has managed to get around this limitation, this will require a change in the setting.  

From the left menu of the Administration page, click on “Configuration” menu item. It will show you Configuration sub menus. From the configuration sub menus, click on “App Config” menu item. It will take you to the app config page.

IGlobe CRM App Configuration Item List

Key Name

Key Value




Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday =2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6.  

TotalWor kDays


How many work days in a week your office

WorkSta rtTime


The time your office starts. In 24 hour format.

WorkEn dTime


The time your office closes. In 24 hour format.



The key to access NNE data base services. Notice, NNE is only relevant for Danish customer with a valid NNE subscription.

IGService Url

The url of your web services.

Write the url of your hosted web services. NOTICE, Do not change this.

MaxRow Size

1000 [The number of items in a single list.]

If you think in a single list, there will be 500 item then write 500, if you think it will be 10,000 then write 10,000.


The URL for your comany logo

If you want to change the iGlobe LOGO on the CRM homepage you can point to an image file in your sharepoint site. Enter the URL of the image file. 


If you expct to have more than 5.000 customer or Contacts set the  value to “1”

Understanding the thresholds. Microsoft introduced the thresholds in order to prevent large queries from occurring, which have an impact on performance of the SharePoint environment. The List View Threshold states that you cannot have more than 5,000 items (by default) returned in your list view. This does not mean you can only have 5,000 items in the list! It means that when a user clicks into a list, the number of items returned to the user should not exceed 5,000.

mailChimpAPIKey Integration to MailChimp Create an API key on your mailchimp account and add the key. 
CRMCompanySiteNameFields Title used for the company SharePoint site If you are using the function of creating SharePoint specific customer site this allow youi to set the site title. You can select what filed you want to use. You can select among the follwoing fileds. IGlobeCRM_Company_Name,IGlobeCRM_Company_City,IGlobeCRM_CustomerID
CRMContactSiteNameFields Title used for the contact SharePoint site If you are using the function of creating SharePoint specific contact site this allow youi to set the site title. You can select what filed you want to use. You can select among the follwoing fileds. IGlobeCRM_FirstName,IGlobeCRM_LastName,IGlobeCRM_Contact_JobTitle
Planner integration This is the ID for the Plan you selected to use with iGlobe CRM
IGlobeSiteDesignId Template ID of the SharePoint site If you want to use your own site design for SharePoint site that are created from the CRM.
ExtDocHubSiteId HUB Site ID This is the HUB site ID that will be used to identify the HUB site that should be used for all Sharepoint site created from the CRM. Using PowerShell you can get the ID fx Get-SPOHubSite -Identity https://your domain.sharepoint.com/sites/XXX
ExternalDocFolders The folder that will be created in the customer site Enter the folder name using a "," as a seperator fx Sales,Project