User role in iGlobe CRM

iGlobe CRM App uses Office 365 Group access and permission. Site owners have the Full Control permission level on that site. They can perform administrative tasks on the site, and on any list or library within that site. Use the following link to learn more on access and permission in SharePoint Online 

In iGlobe CRM site owners are granted admin access to iGlobe App and have access to the administration and configuration area of the CRM app. To be able to configure iGlobe App you will need to have access to the administration. 

Figure 9 iGlobe CRM Homepage with the administration tab

Site Members are users of the CRM app that will not require access to the administration part. CRM Users must be added into the “member” group. 

After you have configured user access on the iGlobe CRM site, you are ready to add the iGlobe app to your site. IMPORTANT! You must add each user that will require access. Unfortunatly this cannot be done on group level.